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Document Type:Article of a journal
Title:Arabic rhetoric and Qur'anic exegesis / John Wansbrough.
Author: Wansbrough, John E.
Summary:A study on the evolution of the technical term laff wa nashr.
Author as Subject: Ibn al-Mu'tazz, 861-908al-'Askari, Abu Hilal al-Hasan ibn 'Abd Allah, d. after 1005Qudama ibn Ja'far, d. 948al-Farazdaq, ca. 640-728Ibn Rashiq, 1000-63 or 1071al-Mutanabbi, ca. 915-965al-Buhturi, al-Walid ibn 'Ubayd, ca. 821-897 or 8Ibn Sinan al-Khafaji, 1031-74al-Sharif al-Radi, 970-1015
Descriptors: Criticism, Ancient Rhetoric Innovation, Rhetorical Poetry, Ancient -- Mannerism Qur'an -- Language --Exegesis
Source: Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 31: 3 (1968), p. 469-485
Source Type: Serial

OxLit Literary Publication and Documentation