OxLit Literary Publication and Documentation

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Document Type:Serial
Title:Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts, Cairo University.
Parallel Title:Majallat Kulliyat al-Adab / al-Jami'a al-Misriya
Publisher: Cairo : University of Egypt, 1933-
Pages:v.: ill., maps.
Language:Arabic English French German
Notes:Title changes: v.4, pt. 1, May 1936: Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Egypt; v. 7, July 1944: Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts, Fouad I University; v. 16, pt.1, May 1954: Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts, Cairo University.Beginning Dec. 1956, v. dates differ from date of publication by 3-5 yearsPublishing changes: v. 8, pt.1, 1946, Fouad I University Press; v. 16, pt.1, 1954, Cairo University Press; v.55, no.1, 1995, Scientific Publishing Unit, Faculty of Arts, Cairo UniversityDescription based on: v. 1, pt.1, May 1933"A quarterly refereed academic journal --" v. 55, no.1, Jan. 1995
Location: Bodleian, Oxford. BOD Bookstack Per. Arab. d.902 (v. 1-)

OxLit Literary Publication and Documentation